Monthly Subscriptions

17 Mar 2020 by Liesl Hacker

You may have seen the announcement today from Basketball England that there will be no further league games played in the 19/20 season. This is disappointing for everyone but, in the circumstances, completely understandable.

In our original message announcing the initial 2-week pause in activities we referred to the fact that we would consider the impact of the suspension on monthly subscription payments.

The national picture continues to change on a regular and rapid basis, and we still remain unsure of the length of time that training will need to be suspended for, and what venue hire and other costs the club may still incur.

Subs payments are an annual payment spread evenly over 12 months. Club expenditure is not however evenly spread, and the club incurs substantially more costs in-season that out-of-season. As we were drawing towards the end of the season much of the annual costs have already been incurred by the club.

The club’s subs of £25 for 1 training session per week and games, and £35 for 2 training sessions per week and games are considered to be reasonable, and are supplemented by fundraising activities and sponsorship to try to keep them as low as possible.

We ask parents to please continue to pay subs at the standard level until further notice.

If, as a result of the current situation, parents struggle to continue with the monthly payments please email and we are sure that we will be able to manage the situation together.

This is not to say that the club won’t consider potential subscription suspension or reduction, but we need more information, and time, to be able to determine what level of suspension or reduction the club may be able to afford.

Thank you for your patience at this unprecedented time.

Most importantly take care and look after yourselves and one another.

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